Is copper vessel good for health?

Water is the essential thing for all living organisms.All living organisms need water to survive.

The water which we drink has many harmful bacteria and viruses.Hence the water we drink is polluted.

Copper water bottle

Water pollution

The term water pollution is defined as the contamination of water bodies, such that these contaminated water cannot be used for household activities such as drinking,cooking and bathing.

These water pollution is caused by human activities.

The substance which causes water pollution are called water pollutants.

Hence to recycle this polluted water,suitable water purifying methods are methods.

Some of these methods include

  • Ro filter(reverse osmosis)
  • Ceramic filter

Many people use RO filter to filter the polluted water and also to remove harmful bacteria and viruses.

Inside view of a copper water bottle

Is drinking water in a copper vessel /bottle healthy?

Drinking water in a copper vessel or bottle is healthy. The WHO has recommended a daily intake of 2mg of copper is good for health.

If we store the water in a copper vessel or bottle,the copper ions gets dissolved in the water.And when we drink these water,our body intakes certain amount of copper.

Does copper vessel kills bacteria?

Many researchers have conducted various experiments to understand the characteristics of copper.

A researcher from United States have conducted an experiment on copper vessel.He poured water into the two vessels,one copper and other with silver vessel.

The water present in both vessels have some amount of bacteria in it.

After some time he noticed that the bacteria present in the copper vessel is less whereas the bacteria remains same in case of silver vessel.

Hence,copper vessel kills certain bacteria and other harmful microorganisms present in the water.

Harmful effects of copper vessel?

Eventhough copper vessel has many benefits, it has some limitations too.

Many people complain that drinking water from a copper vessel causes them stomach ache. This is due to green sediments present in the copper vessel.

This greenish sediments are called copper carbonate. This copper carbonate if formed as a result of chemical reaction between air,water and copper. This copper carbonate causes stomach ache

In order to remove this toxic copper carbonate, the copper vessel must be cleaned using sufficient methods.

How to clean the copper vessel?

The copper vessel must be cleaned regularly to prevent the formation of copper carbonate.

To clean the copper vessel,use a tamarind mixed with salt or a mixture of lemon and salt and then scrub it. Rinse the copper vessel with lukewarm water.

Clean the copper vessel /bottle atleast thrice a week.

Copper vessel cleaning

Advantages of copper vessel

  • Adds nutritional value by adding copper ions in our diet.
  • Kills harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • Helps to improve digestion.

Disadvantages of copper vessel/bottle

  • Costlier when compared to other vessels.
  • Can become toxic if kept unclean.
  • Causes stomach ache due to formation of copper carbonate.
  • Requires frequent washing and maintanence.
  • Use copper vessel rather than copper bottle because it quite difficult to clean the inner of these copper water bottles.

Hence,copper vessels kill certain bacteria and also improves digestion .Try to choose copper vessel rather than copper water bottles because in case of water bottles it is very difficult to clean inside and hence there is a chance of accumulation of copper carbonate which is toxic human health and environment.

Hence clean the copper vessels thrice a week to fully achieve its health benefits.

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