Carrot is preferred by people for its crunchy texture. Carrots are super nutritive and healthy for all age groups.

Many of us are familiar with orange carrots but there exist other types of carrots such as red, white, yellow, and purple carrots.


The orange coloured carrot is a rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A in the liver.


Vitamin A activates Rhodopsin, a purple coloured pigment in the eye which is necessary for night vision.

Deficiency of Vitamin A also causes drying of the cornea, corneal ulcers and retinal damage which may even lead to vision impairment. Carrots are used to cure dryness of eye.

People who are working in computer for a longer period of time should consume carrots regularly for better vision.


vitamin A in carrots help improve eye health and also prevent eye conditions such as age-related muscular degeneration and night blindness.Carrots also contain anti-cancerous properties.

It has been proven that eating carrots regularly improves eye vision and also cures night blindness.

Carrots not only cures night blindness but also prevents dryness in eyes.The dryness in eye caused due to long time exposure of computers.


Carrots are high in fibre that helps to regulate the digestive system. It also acts as a wonderful diet partner. High fibre content in carrots render a wholesome feeling thereby keeping the urge to take a quick snack at bay. Even if the need for one arises, carrot itself acts a hassle-free mid meal munch.

Fibre helps to increase bile secretion from the liver thus keeping liver and gallbladder diseases away. Carrots help to detoxify the body by flushing out toxins, preventing inflammation and oxidative stress of the whole body. Studies show that beta-carotene in carrots can also help prevent liver damage caused by alcohol.

over a period of about 10 years revealed that a higher intake of deep orange coloured fruits and vegetable may help in preventing coronary heart disease. This study specifically pertains to women mentioning that a daily intake of carrots in their diet may lower the risk of heart attack. Another study conducted by the Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory in Edinburg, aimed at revealing the therapeutic value of carrots, found remarkable drop in cholesterol level which was up to 11 percent from a daily intake of seven ounces of carrots for consecutive three weeks.


Carrots can also be linked to reducing hypertension as the coumarin and potassium found in this vegetable act as vasodilators and help relax tension in the blood vessels and arteries thereby enhancing organ function. According to the University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, “Fibre decreases blood cholesterol by binding to bile acids, which are made of cholesterol, in the gastrointestinal tract and carrying them out of the body as waste”.

As mentioned earlier, carrots when consumed, the beta-carotene in them converts to Vitamin A and this takes place in the liver. Vitamin A stimulates the production and functioning of white blood cells, thereby strengthening the immune system. Carrots also contain Vitamin C which also aids in boosting the immune system.


Eating raw carrots helps get rid of food particles or plaques. Carrots stimulate the gums which help with the production of saliva which keeps the cavity forming.

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